مدرسة علا الألكترونية
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
مدرسة علا الألكترونية

توجيهية تربوية تعليمية
الرئيسيةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول
مدرسة علا الألكترونية ترحب بكم


  الامتحان الشهري الأول ( أغسطس 2011 م)

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 326
نقاط : 953
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/02/2012

 الامتحان الشهري الأول ( أغسطس 2011 م)  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: الامتحان الشهري الأول ( أغسطس 2011 م)     الامتحان الشهري الأول ( أغسطس 2011 م)  Icon_minitimeالخميس أبريل 19, 2012 1:23 pm

Subject : English Language :،. :،. :،. Third class :،.:،. :،. 2 Hours
وزارة التربية والتعليم
مدرسة علا الالكترونية
الامتحانات الشهرية – الامتحان الشهري الأول ( أغسطس 2011 م)
First Monthly Exam ( Agues 2010 )



1- Write your name and your class room in the appropriate space .
2- All rough work and final work must be done in space provided .
3- No supplementary papers must be accompany this answer paper .
4- Squires and circle drown in the margins are for examiner’s use only


The questions of this exam are Four questions printed on ( 8 pages) Squares and circle drown in the margins for examiner’s use

Checked by Marked by Marks Questions
1- Comprehension
2- Summary.
3- Language
4- Composition
100 Totals

Question one: Comprehension (30 marks ):
Read the following passage carefully then answer the questions that follow it.
The world faces two major problems today how to meet the needs of an increasing population and how to improve the environment . Without a healthy productive environment we will not be able to feed the people of the world trees can help us to solve these problems .
Today great efforts are being made to raise people s awareness of the importance of trees and forests . All over the world millions of trees are being planted . In the Sudan also we need to make an effort to save trees and also make maximum use of them .
The world population is now about 5,000 million . It is expected to rise to 8,500 million by the year 2025 . Most of this increase in population will take place in developing countries . In these countries a 60% in agricultural production will be needed to make sure there is enough food for everyone . Already about 500 million people suffer from malnutrition and 15 million people die from it every year.
If used properly forest resources can lead to the development of the land and improvement in living standard for the people . Forest supply us with timber for building , firewood , fruit , nuts and Gum Arabic . Trees are a source of fodder for cattle and a source of certain substances for medicine . The harvesting and processing of forest products creates employment , brings income and hard currency . This money can be spent to buy more and better food .
Trees can protect the environment by reducing erosion and making the soil rich . The strong roots of the trees and the shelter of the leaves stop the soil from being blown a way by the wind .
1- How many problems does the world face ?………………………………………...
2- Can we feed the people of the world with a healthy productive environment ?
3- What are being made to raise people awareness ?
4- How many trees that are being planted ? …………………………………………….
5- What is the expected rise of the world population ? …………………………………

Say whether these statement are true (T) or false (F)
1- The world faces four major problems today. ( )
2- Without a healthy productive environment we will not be able to feed the people . ( )
3- All over the world two millions of trees are being planted . ( )
4- The world population is now about 5,00 million . ( )
5- Trees can protect the environment by reducing erosion ( )
Draw a circle round the best alternative answer a , b , c or d
1- Fodder means ………………………….
a- fruit b- grass c- vegetable d- crop
2- With …… environment we will be able to feed the people of the world
a- a healthy productive b- a healthy c- productive d- good
3- The underlined word it refers to ………………..
a- people b- trees c- malnutrition d- nothing
4- Most of the increase in population will take place ………
a- developed countries b- developing countries
c- the world d- Africa
5- The harvesting and processing of forest products create employment ………
a- million of dollars b- dollars only
c- income d- income and hard currency
6- Already about ……………. people suffer from malnutrition
a- fifty million b- five thousand million c- ten thousands d- five hundred million
7- The money can be spent to …………………………… more and better food
a- get b- sell c- give d- support
8- Forest give us ……………….
a- timber b- fruit c- Gum Arabic d- all are right
9- Trees can protect the environment by reducing erosion and making the soil
a- poor b- clean c- fertile d-dirty
10- The shelter of the trees stop the soil from being …………… by the wind
a- taken b-dug c- cultivated d- non is right

Question Two: Summary :
Read the following passage carefully . Look for the main ideas , and then in your own words , as far as possible , write a summary . Your answer should be a connected piece of writing .

A traffic policeman was asked why young people prefer scooters to bicycles . He said there are several reasons : firstly scooters are much faster and do not need much physical efforts , secondly the rider can take a passenger with him on the seat behind , above all , riding scooter give a young man feeling of independent because he can travel farther and impress his friends .
On the other hand , the policeman talked about the disadvantages of scooter . Scooters are more expensive buy and to repair than bicycles . Also he said that scooters encourage young people to take risk by going too fast . As a result , scooters are involved in more serious accidents .
Also he was asked about his opinion on bicycles he said : bicycles are safer and easier to control than scooters .This is because young people learned to ride them as young children .Nevertheless , bicycles too are not very safe in cities these days this is because there more cars and drivers often do not pay attention to bikes . In addition many cyclist do not know the rules of the roads

(A) In not more than () words explain the advantages of scooter
(B) In not more than () words explain the disadvantages of scooter

Question Three LANGUAGE
(A) Use the words at the end of each sentence to form words that fits in the space . Use the following prefixes BEFORE each word :

pre - un - mal - dis - in

1- Eating poor food causes ………………….……………………………. (nutrition) .
2- I ………………………………………………………………….. with you (agree) .
3- We sometimes write formal or ………………………….……… letters (formal) .
4- The other name for kindergarten is ………………………………………. (school) .
5- The class is very dirty and …………………………..………………………. (tidy) .

(B) Read the sentence below . Use the words at the end of each sentence to form a word that fits in the space . Use the following endings:

ful – al - less - ive - ous

1- Elmahadi was a …………………………………….……………….. leader (fame) .
2- I enjoy telling …………………………………………………… stories (tradition) .
3- Doctors are usually more ……………………………………………………. (care) .
4- Youth often are …………………………………………….… and productive (act) .
5- Do your duties and do not be …………………………….…………………. (care) .

(C) Complete sentence (B) so that it has a similar meaning to sentence (A) , using) the words given . You will need to use from two to five words in each space .
1- (A) My hair is shorter than your hair .
(long) (B) Your hair is …………………………………………………mine
2- (A) Students prefer reading to writing .
(like) (B) Students …………………………………………………….

(D) Read the following text. From the list below choose the best word that fits.

trees market worth students and

Sudan supplies 80 % of the world …………...…….for gum Arabic and our exports are ……………………….…..millions of dollars . The SPINE GUM ARABIC SCHEME .Aims to get all …………………..to participate nationwide in co-operation with the ministry of agriculture to plant more ………………….more Gum Arabic …………………………………..

(E) Put the verbs in brackets in their correct forms :
1- We …………………………………………….…………. (arrive) so late last night .
2- They have just ……………………………….……………………. (study) English .
3- She came yesterday, ……………………………………………………………….. ?
4- When I was ……………………. (read) a book , the bell …………..……… (ring) .
5- We are ……………………………………………………… (learn) English today .
6- If we …………………… (buy) a car , we will ……….………….. (go) to Kassala .
7-We always ……………...………….…………….…………… (study) English .
8- I will ………………………….………...........………. (buy) a new book next week.
9- She is ………….…………..………………..…………………. (write) a letter now .
10- Protection …………………..…..………………….…………(be) better than cure .
11-They were …………………..……. (eat) when the bell ……………………. (ring).
12-What ………………..…. you ……….…..……………….. (do) last year this time ?
13-It ………………………………...……..…………. (rain) heavily last night .
14-The light has ever ……………………………………………….……… (go) out .

Question Four Composition
Remember that marks will be given for correct grammar , spelling , punctuation , tidy and neat presentation
Your composition should contain the ideas provided , but you may add to them if you like .
write a composition of about (120) to (150) about the important of trees in our life
-make the Sudan green
- co-operate with ministry of agriculture .
- planting trees
- produce Gum Arabic
-fight desertification
-beautiful sights
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………
With best wishes
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
الامتحان الشهري الأول ( أغسطس 2011 م)
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» الامتحان الشهري الأول ( أغسطس 2011 م)
» الامتحان الشهري الأول ( أغسطس 2011 م)
» الامتحان الشهري الأول ( أغسطس 2011 م)
» الامتحان الشهري الأول ( أغسطس 2011 م) القسم الأدبي
» الامتحان الشهري الأول ( أغسطس 2011 م)

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