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 الامتحانات التجريبي للشهادة السودانية ( فبراير 2011 م )

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 326
نقاط : 953
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/02/2012

الامتحانات التجريبي للشهادة السودانية ( فبراير 2011 م ) Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: الامتحانات التجريبي للشهادة السودانية ( فبراير 2011 م )   الامتحانات التجريبي للشهادة السودانية ( فبراير 2011 م ) Icon_minitimeالجمعة أبريل 20, 2012 7:54 am

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وزارة التربية والتعليم
مدرسة علا الألكترونية
الامتحانات التجريبي للشهادة السودانية ( فبراير 2011 م )
Time : 3 hours Subject : English Language

1- Write your name and your class room in the appropriate space .
2- All rough work and final work must be done in space provided .
3- No supplementary papers must be accompany this answer paper .
4- Squires and circle drown in the margins are for examiner’s use only


The questions of this exam are Four questions printed on ( 8 pages) Squares and circle drown in the margins for examiner’s use


Checked by Marked by Marks Questions
1- Comprehension
2- Summary.
3- Language
4- Composition


Part One : -
COMPOSITION ( 15 marks )
Remember That marks will be given for correct grammar
spelling,punctuation,tidy and neat presentation.
Woman play a great role in developing their society ,write a composition of about (120-180)words about:
the role of woman in development of the society.
Your composition should contain the following ideas and information:-
*in the past they stayed at home.
*Now they are active - productive - work in different places home - offices
- fields - …………………….
*bear children.
*Make life comfortable for the other people in the family.

Part two :- COMPREHENSION (25 marks )
Read the following Passage carefully and then answer the questions following it :
The kilt is the trational dress of Scotsmen. Nowadays ,the kilt is worn only for a wedding and other special occasions .In the past ,however, the kilt was very practical and worn everyday .The colours came from dyes made from flowers and plants grown Locally. Because of this, a man wearing a kilt could not be seen from distance so the kilt was a kind of camouflage .
Also, each large family group or clan had a different colour so you knew who each person was by their dress!
You will also notice the small bag (sporran) around the man’s waist .In the past ,men kept dry porridge in it ,then mixed the porridge with water from the river when they were hungry .In side the top of the man’s sock is a small knife (dirk). The man only needed to reach down far it if some one attacked him. Nowadays, of course, the sporran and the dirk are simply part of the traditional culture.
A) Give short answers :
1- What is the traditional dress of Scotsmen nowadays?
2- How often was the kilt worn in the past?
3- What is the purpose of the sporran and the kilt nowadays?
4- What does the underlined phrase (Because of this) refers to ……………………
5- Why was the kilt considered as a kind of camouflage?

B)Decide whether the fallowing sentences are(true)or(false):-
1-The kilt is worn only for wedding ( )
2- A large family group or clan had different colorful kilt ( )
3-In the present men kept dry porridge in sporran ( )
4-You can know a person who wear kilt from a distance ( )
5-The purpose of the sporran and kilt haven’t changed nowadays ( )

C ) Draw a Circle round the Best alterative a, b, c or d :-
1 ) In the past the kilt was :……………………………..
a. workable b. worn only for special occasions
c. worn only on wars d. not practical
2) The dyes in kilt were from……………………………………
a. Local flowers and plants b. abroad
c. special ink d. special Local stones
3) The underlined ward (camouflage) means……………………….
a. habit b. disguise
c. behavior d. superstition
4) In the past, the dirk is used for……………………………………
a. hunting animals b. eating with
c. self-defence d. planting
5) The sporran is worn around……………………………………..
a. the man’s neck b. the man’s leg
c. the man’s head d. the man’s waist

Part Three SUMMARY ( 10 marks)
Read the following passage carefully, look for the main ideas and then, in your word as far as possible, write a summary In not more than 15 words a bout how people in big towns feel relax . Your answer should be a connected piece of writing .
In the Sudan people go to work for five days a week. They work hard from the early morning till late in the afternoon .Being so busy is often very tiring ; a person needs some entertain ment in order to relax .So people in big towns go to parks ,theatres or cinemas. While others may stay at home and watch T.V. Also, some of them feel relax when they go to library and read books while other go swimming.
Part Four LANGUAGE ( 25 marks )
A) Put the verbs in brackets in their correct forms:
1. please don’t make noise , I…..…………………… ( try ) to sleep.
2. Ali……………….………………………. ( not drink ) tea very often.
3. Last week .…………....… (be) in Medani, but tomorrow I ………….…..… (be) in Port Sudan.
4. After……………….………. ( watch ) the film, I went to sleep.
5. While we ………….……. ( have )dinner yesterday, Taha…………….(arrive)home.
6. The bridge …………………………….. ( build )in 1998.
7. He was ill .If he ……………….……(go) to hospital ,he……………………..(not feel) worse.
B) Add the following suffixes to the words at the end of each sentence to form a words that fits in the given the space below:

----ity , ----ment , ----ive , ----ous , -----y

1- Some drugs are very ……………………… ( poison ).
2- Woman need ……….……..………. and practical help. ( encourage )
3- He has a lot of money. So he is very …………………… man. ( wealth )
4- My shirt is more …………………………… than years. ( expense )
5- It is the …………………..……… of you to help him . ( responsible )

C) Add the following Prefaces to the words at the end of each sentence to form a words that fits in the given the space below:

re---- , pre---- , im----- , dis---- , over-----

1) When winter , people are ……………………………. ( dressed )
2) The head master was …………………………….. with the Lazy y boys ( patient )
3) I like fish, I …………………..……… meat . ( like )
4) She …………………………… her friend . ( visited )
5) He is ………………………… with his work . ( occupied )

D) Choose the suitable word from the list below to complete the following text:

based – and – Legends – source - the
We all listening to stories. Some stories are very old , like many old longs dances ………………….. proverbs. Such stories are part of ………………… national culture. They are a ……………. of Wisdom . Some stories are …………….. on fact. Some are called ……………………. ,they are about imaginary heroes and goods.

Part Five : - Choose either section (A) or section (B) Section (A) ( 25 marks )
A) Your are Arafat , your address is - p. o. box 219 - Alkamleen Gezira State ,
Write a letter of about 80-100 words to the representative of Giad campany – p.o. box 103 - Gezira , asking him to help you improve local environment.

B) Complete the second sentence (B) so that it is similar in meaning to sentence (A),using the word given in the margin:

1\ A : Although the exam was difficult, many students passed.
( In spite) B : …………………………….………………….,many students passed.
2\ A: She prefers oranges to banana.
( like ) B: she……………………………………….……………….……………..banana.
3\ A: Question one is easy and question two is easy too.
( as ) B: Question two is ………………………….…………………question one.
4\ A: Ali has taken my pens
( been ) B: My pens…………………………….………………………………………………
5\ A: He said : “ Were you happy? ”
(Want) B: He………………………………………………………………………………
6\ A : He invited me yesterday.
(invited ) B : I ……………………………………………………………………… yesterday.
C) Choose the suitable preposition from the list below to
Fill the spaces in the following sentences :

at – through - with – of – among
1. The teacher is very pleased ………………. me.
2. They prefer to watch films …………….. night.
3. She is proud ………………….. her father.
4. Animals move ………………….. the trees.
5. I saw the stars ………………… a telescope.
D) Read the following passage carefully, look for the main ideas and then, in your word as far as possible, write a summary In not more than 15 words a bout The advantages of collective work . Your summary should be a connected piece of writing .
Collective work strengthens the co-operation between the people of a particular area by making everyone concerned with the welfare of each individual in the society. It also cultivates in the people a sense of competition among different villages. It also helps people to carry out important projects in their areas .Moreover, it makes people love easel other.
Section (B) literature ( 25 marks )
Good luck English Department
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الامتحانات التجريبي للشهادة السودانية ( فبراير 2011 م )
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 مواضيع مماثلة
» الامتحانات التجريبي للشهادة السودانية ( فبراير 2011 م )
» الامتحانات التجريبي للشهادة السودانية ( فبراير 2011 م )
» الامتحانات التجريبي للشهادة السودانية ( فبراير 2011 م )
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